Can I Get a Witness?

Inspired by Dr. Kelly Kapic's Chapel Talk


Heavy, hard, black, and twisted

are the pain and sorrow in this life.

All cannot possibly be sifted,

O Lord come and end the sting of strife.


The millions of voices rub us raw,

They do not polish and shine.

Clamoring, competing, truth-stifling all

upon our hearts they dine.


Can I get a witness?

Can I get a brother to lament?

Can I get a sister who won’t miss this?

Can I get someone to walk through the bent?


A tangible presence by my side,

No need to say a word,

Stay ’til all my tears have been cried;

My heart just needs to be heard.


Remind me that God is unflinchingly faithful,

That our stories require lament and grief.

Remind me of joy and times not shameful

Until Christ conquers my unbelief.


But please know this dear heart,

My equilibrium is not worth more than yours.

Your responsibility is merely in part;

Peace from the Father cannot be ignored.


Let me too be a witness.

Let me be the brother who laments.

Let me be the sister who won’t miss this,

Let me walk with you through the bent.


Because I’m not the only one who needs a witness.