Coca-Cola Confusion

First, the chapel worship team did not lead any singing before the talk or after. Chapel has wide application to host educational lectures as well as worship sessions, and this omission of singing certainly set the tone for a more “business-like” topic. As a Brock Forum and not a Chapel Department event, this made sense (the Brock Forum is more focused on leadership development and making industry connections outside of Covenant). However, not all students had a full understanding of what exactly was happening with this event and the Brock Forum.

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Best Coffee Shops and Cafes

It’s well known that coffee shops and cafes are go-to spaces for college students. Not only do they make cozy places to read a book, do work, and hangout with friends, but coffee (and other caffeine sources) is arguably a large part of college life. So, if you’re looking for good coffee or an aesthetic environment, here’s a compilation of some of my (and my friends’) favorite places!

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Confronting Spiritual Apathy

I think our campus has historically struggled with the development of spiritual apathy during students’ time at Covenant. This problem does not necessarily come from a desire for the college experience, or from the required chapels three times a week that make time thinking about the Lord more frequent. I think this problem stems from a culture that is comfortable, in other words, having the knowledge that everyone around you is a Christian, and, as a result, that culture is quite stiff towards non-Christians, and far too loose around other Christians.

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On Friendship

When I graduate from Covenant in May, I will remember many things about my last three years here. I will remember the sunrises and sunsets and how the leaves change to the most vibrant colors in the fall. I will remember walking to 8 a.m.s in the freezing cold and going to the Blink after night classes. I will remember good professors and hard classes and studying literature that has stretched my capacity for empathy. I will remember singing in the chapel, Great Hall coffee and all the fun campus events.

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Scars Into Salvation

There is a quote by Herman Bavnick that I’ve been meditating on recently that says, “The body is not a prison but a marvelous work of art from the hand of God Almighty and just as constitutive for the essence of humanity as the soul.”

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Decaf Diplomacy: Bringing Local Coffee to the Blink

In the September 28 issue of The Bagpipe, an article by Helen Shackelford titled “Bring Local Coffee to the Blink” expressed a disdain for the “familiar and ubiquitous” Starbucks coffee drinks offered on campus. Shackelford made the case that the college should endeavor to “strengthen connections to our local community” by providing locally roasted “excellent coffee drinks” in the Blink.

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What to do with your textbooks?

What happens at the end of the year to our piles of textbooks? It’s the question I’ve been asking myself as I stare down dozens of books I’ve accumulated over four years of college education. Some I hope to keep for my own personal library, but there are some I will probably never look at again. They’re ready for a new home—but where?

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Tattoos at Covenant College

Would Covenant College, beloved child of the Presbyterian Church of America be your first guess for a college with an increasingly accepting community of tattooed individuals? It is well known that some Christians are devotedly against tattoos. Will this topic continue to be so often debated? Tattoos have become more and more prominent as time has gone by, and, what can be considered shocking to some individuals, Christians are getting tattoos at a growing rate! At Covenant, the opinion is somewhat mixed.

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