
The more I know God, the more I understand

The glory of He who holds the world in His hand

As around His throne, Behold! What a sound!

As angels and saints stand all around.

“Worthy!” they say. “Holy is He,

Great is I AM.” What majesty!

No person could live if they glanced at His face.

So radiant and pure. Abundant with grace.His voice, how it thunders with life or with death,

So powerful His words, with just one little breath.

So awesome, immeasurable and mighty the King.

Every knee will bow, all nature will sing:

Praise and majesty, honor and glory,

To the Worthy One who pens our story.

A reunion like that no words could describe,

As His name is honored by tongue, nation, tribe.

The trumpet will sound, the LORD we will see,

For many, sheer terror; for His children, majesty 

For all of eternity praising the Lamb,

As one in awe of the awesome I AM.

To be in that glory, what thing could compare,

Perfect love for our Savior, no sin to impair. 

What pure devotion! What marvelous love!

Immeasurable bliss, His glory above.

How our hearts will burst, every sense will strain

To process it all, to shout GLORY to His Name.

And then as we bask in His wondrous Light,

At Home in His presence, unending delight,

Before Him in worship, we’ll gladly kneel down,

And happily, humbly, to Him cast our crown.

Oh, what a thought, that on that day,

Our Savior, so glorious, would turn our way

Our crown cast before Him, His face to our own,

“Well done,” He’d say. “At last, you are home.”

That moment’s not here yet, our time here’s not done,

But His Spirit’s inside us, that very same One.

So when we’re discouraged, look forward to that day,

When our Savior, so holy, will each tear wipe away.

Oh what joy to now serve Him, because that day’ll come,

Each sacrifice worth it when the Lamb says well done.