White Noise

7 billion

An accurate approximation

Of just how many people 

Occupy this planet

7 billion 

Probably a gross underestimation

Of how many stars exist

In however many galaxies there are

7 billion 

A not-so-slight overexaggeration

Of how many thoughts

Both good, bad, and in between

Are pinging around in my brain

At any given time

Like balls in a pinball machine

Unbidden and unsupervised

Many a sleepless night has been born 

From countless anxieties and creativities

Bursting from parts of myself

I didn’t even know existed

My soul is constantly, consistently torn

Between anxieties about the past and future

And ideas, so many ideas

Art and music and plans and ideas and thoughts

Too many, too much, too stifling

I bolt up from a crazy hazy dream

Reaching for my phone, a pen, my computer

Anything to get them out

Make them quiet

Make them stop

I can’t distinguish my thoughts anymore

But I can’t stop thinking

There’s too many too much too loud

I can’t breathe

My lungs are tight

Crushed by the number and weight of my thoughts 

My hand is cramping

My head is about to explode

Or maybe implode

Collapsing under the pressure of my words and ideas






Echoes bounce and resound

In the empty cavern

Of my skull

“Just freeze

And breathe”