
Newest leaves unfurling,

Eden her blessings bestowing,

Here a fig, there a berry,

But one treasure to carry.

The Tree of Life by name,

But man shunned its frame

The Tree of Knowledge to crave

God’s glory, but man met the grave.

Out of Eden cast,

No glory of man’s to last,

The ground God cursed,

Spotless lamb massacred.

Forever to toil in vain,

Man’s labors end in pain.

Whatever pleasures found

Man’s sin twists to the ground.

But God’s covenant made,

His Son sent to our aid

Born a helpless babe to Mary

Our sins upon Himself to carry.

Another garden, a new tree.

Both dead, and neither free.

Our Savior a blameless life led

To the Cross, to die, and bled.

Now stand we here in victory,

The stone rolled back from Thee,

You send us to tell the world

Of Your heavenly banner unfurled.

Your glory and grace bestowed,

On us no longer the debt is owed.

Only, my name, like Peter’s, redeemed,

My soul, like Mary of Magdala, unfettered.

Renewed leaves unfolding,

Christ His blessings bestowing,

Here a son, there a daughter,

His bride, He bought her.

The new Tree of Life by name,

God now glorifies its frame.

For the Bride of Christ, He gave

A renewed Eden, destroying the grave.