A Prayer for Late-Night Studying

O Lord, who neither sleeps nor slumbers, guide my mind as I work away tonight.

When this assignment seems unreasonably overwhelming, calm my anxious mind. 

When my eyes get bleary, sustain my focus. 

When I’m trying to discern whether to push through or put down my work, give me discernment by your Spirit. 

O Lord who is the author of all wisdom and goodness and knowledge, help me to apply what I have learned to the work in front of me. 

Rid my mind of distractions and things that would pull me away from the work you have given me to do, and help me to learn what it means to befriend faithfulness

Lord, show me the meaning of diligence—to work and labor faithfully, to work as unto you, and to find myself loving you more deeply through this learning. 

And Lord, lastly, if I reach the point of diminishing returns, grow too weary to be productive, or just really need to rest, give me the peace to lay this assignment aside, trusting that you have worked in me, and that your grace is made perfect in my weakness.

Thank you that my worth and value lie not in this work, or its eventual grade, but in your love for me. 

And so: amen.