A Prayer for Singleness

Oh beloved Jesus, sometimes when we find ourselves single (perpetually so, or yet again) it can be so defeating. 

Father, you said it is not good for man to be alone, and it is so easy for us to take that to mean we should all get married. 

Spirit working in us, you know the desires of our hearts. We long to be loved. 

Lord, teach us patience for this season of singleness. Show us your goodness. Show us the richness that is ours by this calling. Teach us to trust you fully with our hearts before we even consider the thought of giving them to another. 

Jesus, remind us of what you said: “greater love has no one than this: those who would lay down their life for their friends.” Teach us the glory of friendship, a gift you yourself so clearly treasured. May we never ignore or neglect the intimacy to be found in friendship. 

Tenderly remind us that above and before anything or anyone else, you have called us Beloved. May our restless hearts find rest in you. 

And so: amen.