A Prayer for Wrapping Things Up

Oh dear Father,

It’s pretty wild to think we’ve gotten almost to the end of this year. 

As we scramble through papers and projects, with exams looming on the horizon, would you come by your Spirit, calming and quieting our hearts, and bringing sharp clarity to our brains even when we haven’t slept well. 

As we are sometimes pretty tired of being surrounded by the exact same people all the time, help us be thoughtful, since our time together is growing short. Soon, we will be far away from so many of our friends, everybody scattering to all sorts of places, and so we ask for you to be in our midst. Show us how to love one another well, Lord. Show us how to finish well. May we extend grace to the people we are irritated at. May our hands not cramp writing essay questions. May no one get Covid. May we be protected by your goodness all summer long, and may we come back refreshed. And so: amen.