Obama's Free Education?

On Jan. 9, at Pellissippi Community College in Knoxville, Tenn., President Obama announced that he plans to make community college free for "all students if they attend classes at least half time and maintain a grade point average of 2.5 or better.” Under this proposal, entitled “America’s College Promise,” the federal government would provide 75 percent of funds, and the states would supply the rest. The program is expected to cost sixty billion dollars over the course of ten years. During his State of the Union address on Jan. 20, Obama revealed that some of the funds would be raised by altering the annual tax breaks, ultimately resulting in a “middle class economy.”

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CSC Handles Food Waste

On Feb. 2, the Campus Stewardship Committee (CSC) and Chartwells plan to begin Project Clean Plate. Project Clean Plate is a program that has been implemented on college campuses across the United States. Its goals are to “provide awareness of international hunger, help students to locally combat hunger, reduce waste, and save energy.” These are lofty goals, but come from a truly simple program.

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Slider's Pizza

Slider’s Pizza has arrived to fill the pizza-shaped void in the hearts of Lookout Mountain residents. No longer are Covenant students forced to depend solely on Mr. T’s delivery service to sate pizza-hungry appetites. Located on Scenic Highway less than ten minutes south of Covenant’s main campus, Slider’s Pizza (“Handmade from Scratch”) is locally owned and operated by the Slider family and, according to the Facebook page, “wants to fix the pizza dilemma on our mountain.” Whether or not Slider’s will be able to adequately answer the demands of Covenant’s pizza-loving student body remains to be seen.

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