Top Ten "Social Sciences" at Covenant

A little known fact is that I am an Economics major with a minor in History and what would be a minor in Art History if we had one. I have had the opportunity to take a diverse class load so sometimes it has felt like I am barely a social science major. However, no one in the social sciences has overlap with the other social disciplines anyways, aside from occasionally reading their research and making fun of it. So if you are interested in Psychology, International Studies, or Sociology you’ll have to go find one of those Seniors. However if you are interested in majoring in Economics and are obsessed with Art and History, here are my top ten classes you should think about taking:

1. Principles of Microeconomics with Dr. Lance Wescher

This class got me hooked on Econ and was the first place I fell in love with markets, only to fall out of love again later. Regardless, it was easily the most gratifying introduction class I’ve taken, and Dr. Wescher’s tests are truly a Covenant right of passage. Also this class will open your eyes to the evils of capitalism, which is the gift that keeps on giving.

2. American Urban History with Dr. Jay Green

Cities have been and continue to be the primary shapers of culture and identity for the majority of Americans. This class helps students to examine the process of urbanization in the United States and ask some of the harder questions behind why our cities are the way they are. Dr. Green had a huge impact on the way I research and love cities now. A class to take if you care about the support systems for the urban impoverished and a really fascinating history of how these systems have been “reformed” over time.

3. Public Finance with Dr. Lance Wescher

Dr. Wescher uses this class to show you everything that is problematic about Economics and I loved it. Again, if you care about how the poor are treated in terms of larger policy decisions you should take this class. The discussions you have here are the discussions everyone wishes they could have at dinner parties, but are way too scared to. Also fairly manageable for a Wescher class.

4. Chorale with Dr. Scott Finch

It is my firm belief that everyone should be forced to sing every day at least once. It brightens your life and allows you to feel the Spirit move through you. Dr. Finch is an incredible artist and it is a privilege to work so closely with him. Take Chorale at least once in your Covenant career–I promise you will not regret it.

5. Old/ New Testament Introduction with Dr. Dan MacDougall

I still remember Dr. MacDougall putting his arms out like he was hanging on the cross with tears streaming down his cheeks as he described how Moses’s arms held up over the battle against the Amalekites served as a precursor to Christ hanging on the cross. Powerful stuff. Take either of your intro’s with Dr. MacDougall and, while it will be very difficult, it will move you to love scripture in a profound way.

6. Presidential Politics and Elections with Dr. Cale Horne and Dr. Morton

This class is only taught every four years in conjunction with the current presidential election. It is part a history of elections in the US and part an analysis of the current election process. As a political science/ history hybrid it is not to be missed. If you have ever wondered how exactly we elect our nation’s leader you should take this class. Also the Horne-Morton tag team is hilarious and totally worth skipping lunch for.

7. New York May Terms: History or Art, with Dr. Jay Green and Professor Jeff Morton

This recommendation is silly because I actually only took the History May Term, but the truth is that if you go to New York, you are sort of dealing with both of these goofs. Go to New York City and be a student of the city. Eat donuts and tons of Indian food. Be affected by the place that has been the muse for so many. See art, walk the streets, get epically lost and force yourself to hail a cab during rush hour. It will be your finest hour.

8. International Economics with Dr. Fikkert

To be honest, I was not going to recommend this one until I realized how much it actually affected the way I thought about international politics. Any class that examines the entire world will necessarily only scrape the surface of the issues involved, and this class is no different. For an Economics elective it is not terribly dense, making it an ideal class for non-majors to take and gain some insight into how global trade and monetary policy make everyone’s life hell.

9. Art and Criticism with Dr. Elissa Weichbrodt

Being a required class for Art Majors means that non-majors will get to hang out with some of the coolest people on campus for an entire semester. This class will change how you look at all types of art and leave you with the courage to look at hard things through a redemptive lens. Fair warning: Art and Crit is pretty difficult both in material and in subject matter so you should only take it if you are thoughtful, somewhat interesting, and want God’s kingdom to come sooner.

and finally...


My sophomore year, I auditioned for Into the Woods and got the part of Little Red Riding Hood. I had never been in anything before and the musical was one of the hardest things I did in my time at Covenant, but I loved every minute of it. ITW taught me how to fail at something and get back up again, which is a lesson you can’t learn anywhere like you can on a stage. When you are forced to be someone else for a little while you gain an insane amount of empathy and compassion for others. Take the plunge, and audition.