Cov Love

Many people who write for the Bagpipe simply complain about our school. And that is exactly what I am here to do. But trust me, it’ll be fun.

The students at Covenant are without a doubt some of the most resourceful and creative people on any college campus anywhere. We are particularly creative in ways that other college students have never even had to think about.

One way we show our resourcefulness is in how we watch movies. If you want to watch a movie with a significant other or if you want to arrange the perfect “group setting” to get to know your Covenant crush better by watching a Wes Anderson film or an extended edition Lord of the Rings film (depending on what building you live in), it can’t be by watching a movie in a dorm room.

Because dorm rooms are not an option any night of the week and you have to start a movie before 9 p.m. on weekends if you want to finish by the time open dorms are over, we retreat to the sub zero classrooms in Mills. We sit on the chairs we listen to lectures in instead of our cozy couches. If you are one of the lucky few who live in Founders or Andreas, you have the occasional option of watching something in your very own building with the opposite sex. Carter students, however, would have to brave the elements in the name of love, which most of us aren’t willing to do. Plus, why would we ever leave Carter anyways?

Next, we get to practice our problem solving skills as we function in the Great Hall. I see new creations every day in the Great Hall. I’ve seen everything ranging from a broccoli and cheese waffle to a chocolate, mashed banana, peanut butter milkshake. We put sweet tea and Powerade in black mugs now, because the Great Hall is perpetually out of clear cups this year for some reason.

We practice maneuvering through the tables in the Great Hall, which can sometimes be as difficult as looking for which door is the designated entrance for Carter for the day. Carter basement was already a Labyrinth without having to pray that you are headed the correct way to exit the building. Carter basement, however, is a safe haven for those of us who occasionally study after 1 a.m. Without a student center or any 24 hour space in our library, we’re driven to stairwells and the company of the constant hum of the thirty-two vending machines in Carter basement (none of which accept Scotscards like they say they do).

I truly am thankful for the critical thinking skills I am gaining as a student at Covenant. And, I actually really like that not everything is incredibly convenient and uber comfortable. Finding places to watch movies, or study, or sit on a couch, or eat is half the fun of being a student at Covenant. I love that we have our own way of doing things. And truthfully, I just love the crappiness of it all sometimes. It brings us together, and we gain this whole educational experience by even finding ways of all being together. It’s a blast to be a student at Covenant, and as much as I complain, I freaking love it.