Do Christians have a Duty to Vote?

Nowhere in the Bible does it say to vote, but this makes sense in the historical context. There was no democracy; there were kings, emperors, and governors. 

That being said, Christians in the United States should vote because they have the ability to. 

Political parties are a human creation and thus are flawed. Therefore, no political party is going to be perfect, and the morals and values of all parties are continually changing. It should also be noted that voting for candidates of a particular political party just because they are of that party is not a good method. 

Many people live in ignorance and do not research candidates, but they still vote for those within a preferred party during local elections. In this case, do not even bother voting. You are doing a disservice to yourself by being politically uninformed, and you are doing an injustice to others because you may actually be voting for a candidate who is a bad choice. 

Voting for someone means you believe their values match well enough with your own. Just because a candidate falls under the Republican or Democrat label does not mean every single movement or objective they stand for is going to align with your own. 

Let’s stop the stigma that Democrats or Republicans are bad. Let’s recognize that political parties are flawed and that all candidates are flawed—none of them will be perfect. Let’s dedicate ourselves to voting for people who are not bullies, who present themselves respectfully, who challenge typical conservative evangelical belief systems in a good way. Let’s remember that the only true “bad guy” is Satan. 

Satan undoubtedly loves the strife that comes from political polarization. We are allowing politics to rule this country. If we let Jesus rule our hearts, and if we actually pray for our leaders, and participate in helping others as much as possible because of our love for Christ, we would really improve this country and the world at large. Voting is a benefit of living in a democracy, and Christians should participate.