Marvel Magic Strikes Again: Shang-Xhi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

Another Marvel superhero origin story has been released, and another star player has been added to the roster of Marvel movies. Being the 25th Marvel movie and the recent explosion of Marvel content on Disney Plus, I thought Shang-Chi would have a hard time finding unique footing in the Marvel universe. However, I was dead wrong. 

Shang-Chi delivers an incredible story with beautiful imagery, the trademarked Marvel humor, music that will get you hyped, and fight scenes that leave you in awe. This take is far from “hot;” as of writing this story, Shang-Chi is sitting at 92% on rotten tomatoes, and, according to The Hollywood Reporter, broke the Labor day weekend record in movie ticket sales. The blend of practical martial arts and mystical elements combined with lovable characters serves up an excellent concoction that will leave fans joyfully satisfied.

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings is definitely sitting at the top half of every Marvel movie fans list (including my own), but does still have a few issues. The villains are a mixed bag of quality. Xu Wenwu, played by Tony Chiu-Wai Leung, is the cunning leader of the Ten Rings, a ruthless but understandable villain similar to great Marvel villains like Vulture and Killmonger. His on-screen presence is felt throughout the movie, and demands the attention of the audience. Many of his lines and actions are spectacularly menacing, and his relationship with Shang-Chi only strengthens the incredible performance. A truly great villain for a great movie.

Sadly, the side villains, Razorfist and Death Dealer, suffer from little screen time and serve no purpose beyond looking cool. Razorfist’s lines fell flat, and his attempts at comedy were lackluster. Death Dealer encounters the same problem Taskmaster did in Black Widow. He has the look, fighting style, and forbidding arua to have a glorious scene, but the payoff, disappointingly, never comes. The quality of the villains varies in this movie, but overall, they were well used opposite the heroes and delivered worthwhile fight scenes.

Fighting opposite of the villainess organization the Ten Rings is Shang-Chi, played by Simu Liu, who is a fun-loving hero with a dark past and finds a unique place on the Marvel roster. Liu brought this character to life and was able to perform the majority of his own stunts. Therefore, it allowed less cuts during the fight scenes, which makes the fights seem more natural and vivid. 

His best friend is the enjoyable character Katy, played by Awkwafina. She is a perfect comedy relief with a talent for singing “Hotel California.” However, she is not just another comic relief character; Katy plays a pivotal role in the movie and provides truly endearing moments. These best friends are the heart of the movie, and both actors have great chemistry with the rest of the cast which is broadcasted throughout the film. 

Before concluding this review, I must go more in depth on the action. Seeing an epic fight scene on a moving bus is jaw dropping and it would be unjustifiable to not acknowledge Xu Wenwu’s artistry with the mystical ten rings. Arguably, this is some of the best action offered by the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Each fight scene keeps raising the intensity, and the choreography leaves nothing to be desired. For Marvel fans, this would be most akin to Captain America: Winter Soldier, and for non-Marvel nerds, imagine classic kung fu movies with a hint of John Wick. This movie truly is a masterpiece in the action department. 

In conclusion, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings is a remarkable movie with minimal flaws. It showcases an exquisite cast and superb action. This movie is a must-watch for any Marvel fan, whether hardcore or casual. If you have missed the Marvel hype train or just enjoy seeing movies, I believe this movie will still be a fun time. If you are someone who dislikes Marvel movies or action movies in general, this is not for you — but hopefully this may have encouraged you to give it a try. 

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings is a wonderful movie that I cannot wait to watch again. I look forward to the times I can sit down at the Great Hall and talk about this movie, because it is one that deserves to be talked about. 

Side notes for Marvel fans 

There are two end credit scenes that are important to the MCU. 

I would suggest making sure you are familiar with the Iron Man franchise before watching Shang-Chi, mainly the third Iron Man movie. 

I also recommend watching the Marvel One Shot on Disney Plus called All Hail the King before watching Shang-Chi.