Mother-Artist Review

About a week ago, I was asked whether I might want to write a piece or two for the arts section of the Bagpipe. “Sure,” I said, figuring it would be a simple task. I had taken a few art classes and been to a few gallery shows in high school, and it seemed like I could just throw down some artsy words about the use of the brushstrokes in the works or something. Couldn’t be that hard.

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In Flux

It’s 8 AM on a Thursday morning, and as the fog starts to burn off the students of the Advanced Painting class shuffle in to Jackson Hall. After hanging up their work, coffee is made and chairs are rearranged to create space for a critique. Along the walls of Jackson, each student has five to eight paintings that they have completed or are working on in class. Though some of the paintings are incomplete, they are still required to be displayed to receive constructive criticism from each other and from their professor. Throughout the critique the class moves through the groups of paintings asking questions, explaining ideas, and listening to Professor Morton’s wisdom and tangents.

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