Stop and Don't Think

One of the many things I love about Covenant is the constant discussion. If you’re in the mood to argue for something or someone, there’s always another student or teacher who’s adamantly against it.

You will see and probably hear arguments going on late into the night and early in the morning. Locations include anywhere from right outside your room to the top of a tree. Even the Bagpipe often serves to accommodate this constructive discourse. Students have the opportunity to write briefly on a strongly held opinion, knowing full well that they’ll get at least a few dissenters. I think one of my spiritual gifts (or maybe one of my weaknesses) is my ability to argue about anything.

Shoot, from the origins of creation to which baseball player deserves to win MVP to how our dorm room should be arranged, I’ll be there passionately fighting for one side. But is this how we were meant to live, questioning everything? It definitely isn’t a bad thing. God uses deep conversations to reveal his truth all the time, but maybe sometimes we should have a different perspective.

In Matthew 19:14, Jesus says, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” To such, those of simple minds and simple hearts, belongs the kingdom of heaven, says Jesus. Children don’t think deeply about complex issues; they think simply and enjoy every moment of the life they’re living. They don’t question the purpose of our existence or how the world came to be. It doesn’t matter to them. They only want to hug Jesus.

Maybe we should return to our former approach on life: the life of a child, simple, trusting, unquestioning. Living life for the beauty that it holds, and appreciating the one who made it. Because, He loves to give really big hugs.