Presidential Race Republican Candidates

Whether you like it or not, the 2016 presidential election is underway. As President Obama begins the last two years of his presidency, the field of would-be candidates eagerly jockey to replace him. What begins now, a year before primary voters cast their votes, is the “invisible primary,” where potential candidates work feverishly behind the scenes to court donors, create campaign apparatuses, and boost their name recognition and policy credentials. While many see Hillary Clinton’s nomination for the Democratic Party as inevitable, the Republican field is anybody’s guess.

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Preaching is Not a Postlude to Worship

I can’t take credit for the title of this article. It’s actually a little nugget I read on Chris Larson’s Twitter feed a couple of years ago, and I’ve thought of it a lot since the first time I read it. His words,”Preaching is not a postlude to worship,” present clearly an idea that I think is applicable to the Church and, more specifically, the way we approach chapel.

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Knife Wounds

Ever since a notorious incident involving a serpent and some infamous fruit, sin has been a pervasive and destructive influence in both our world and individual lives. This original sin broke the world, and all people to come after Adam and Eve have been born tainted by it. But the good news for sinners is this: Christ died for us and the stain of sin is removed. However, to leave the past sentence as it is would be a limited presentation of the Gospel.

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