“Jesus and Birdsong”

I elect this morning

Not to step on the crusted leaves

My footfalls are silent

The melody remains in tact

Heavenly birdsong echoes

And I listen in blissful state

Their song fills my ears,

And I hear the praises of God

I elect this morning

To appreciate the soft cries

That come from the back of

This beautiful house of the Lord

A young child, no doubt

Is held by their gentle mother

But wants nothing more than

To sing in the chorus of God

I elect this morning

To hear the praises in my heart

Everywhere that I go

The birdsong, the cries, the laughter

Let it all point me back to

The father who created it all

Let it all point me back to

The Father who created me

Once a small child in a pew,

Crying out to my Father who loves me

Today let us welcome

fledglings and the children of God

Let their songs rise to Him

May we delight in their praises