The Beauty of Fake News

Here in America, we have a beautiful thing known as freedom of the press. Under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, freedom of the press was created as part of the foundation of liberty in our Republic. Hugo Black, the former Supreme Court Justice said, “The Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to bare the secrets of government and inform the people.”

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New Hope in the Star Wars Prequels

In 1999, as Star Wars: The Phantom Menace was awaiting the day of its premier, many extremely excited fans dressed up and waited in line on couches for their spot to see the very first movie of the prequel. Though it may be surprising to today’s audience due to modern negative reactions to the film, the first viewers had favorable thoughts and believed it lived up to their high expectations.

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Bronze Ideologies: Why Confederate Monuments Assert White Cultural Dominance

This is a response to an article published in The Bagpipe on October 5 titled, “Confederate Statues: Heritage or Hate?” The article comments on the recent removal of certain Confederate statues and the controversy surrounding those removals, specifically the neo-Nazi protest in Charlottesville which resulted in one death and 19 injuries to counter protesters. However, there are a couple deeply troubling misunderstandings of art history here.

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Observing the Sabbath: A Response by Brandon Kreuze

I am among the strictest Sabbatarians at Covenant, so I often have questions about how some in our college community spend their Sundays; however, I find the ideas expressed in the opinion article, “Observing the Sabbath: A Matter for the Heart, Not the Administration,” by Jessica Florey to be particularly troubling. I am grateful to the editorial staff for granting me the opportunity to respond to her essay.

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Pugh Review: Sitar

As of late, I have been pondering if there is a distinction between being a foodie and being a glutton. I don’t know where that line is, but going to Sitar Indian Cuisine is definitely borderline. There are few phrases as delightful as “all-you-can-eat,” especially in the context of Indian food. It is a culinary experience that ignites the senses and simultaneously primes you for a nap. Every year, I take groups of friends on Saturdays and spend on average two hours eating to maximum capacity. Going to Sitar is a no-judge zone. Consider it preparing your body for the cold of winter.

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Works in Progress

To the one who wrote “Covenant got Talent,” thank you. Thank you for being so vulnerable and honest in your writing. Thank you for putting into words what so many of us feel as we walk this earth, comparing and contrasting ourselves to those around us, striving to find something we can offer this world. While reading your article I could not help but remember two relevant conversations and one re-occurring admiration that have helped shape the way I view myself and this issue of "talents."

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My Name is Chase and Here is an Opinion that is also a Fact

It’s fall. That means a lot of things but one big time thing it means is ACOUSTIC MUSIC. I’m not judging... I listen to it too. I love Bob Dylan, and Joan Baez and all that bizznass. But a lot of time I hear people saying that they love “folk music” and that “folk” is their fall jam. Let’s get something straight… Folk music does not mean acoustic music.

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Pugh Review: Tupelo Honey

Although the verdict on the best brunch spot in Chattanooga is still out, Tupelo definitely makes the list and is a great introduction to this glorious meal. Located in historic Warehouse Row, the restaurant boasts a circa 1904 building, exposed brick, tall ceilings, and both indoor and outdoor seating. The cuisine itself can be described as traditional southern with a twist.

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Covenant Got Talent?

Just a few weeks ago, I attended both Mountain Affair and the play Consumption. I love music and theatre so being able to attend these events on campus was a treat. However, I came away with an unsettled feeling that maybe some of you relate to. All of the actors and performers people did an incredible job which I enjoyed watching, but they left me feeling unworthy and untalented.

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